Warning: This post may end up being a rant. I will try to control myself, but I can make no promises.
Do you know those girls who always have a boyfriend? It doesn't matter if they just ended a relationship a month prior, chances are they have another boy lined up. I can never see anything spectacular about these girls, but somehow they always have a boy.
Well, guess what. I'm not one of "those" girls.
I have never been, nor will I ever be, and that's ok with me. But for heaven's sake, can't I have some of their luck every once in awhile? I'm not saying I want a serious relationship (because I
don't), but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like a little excitement in my life. I just want a chill relationship with a nice guy that happens to be hot. Is that too much to ask? Probably, considering every other girl here wants the same thing as me.
For you to fully understand my frustration, I'm gonna have to go back to my High School years. Shiver. First off, since I'm mormon I wasn't allowed to date till I was 16. So technically, I wasn't dating till the middle of my Sophomore year. Correction: I wasn't
allowed to date till my Sophomore year. Until then, I blamed the lack of romance in my life to the dating rule. Then I realized that I wouldn't have had any romance even if I had been allowed to date. Like I said, I'm just not that kind of girl.
I was only asked to a school dance twice, and it was by the same guy. (He asked me Freshman year, but I had to awkwardly decline). I never had a real boyfriend either. (I'm not counting summer flings). I went through High School single, and just assumed it was because no one was interested. Then the end of senior year was fast approaching, and we started to vote for Senior Superlatives. I ended up tying with another girl for the "most attractive" superlative.
Proof that I was the "most attractive" girl at my school. |
Yeah, I know you're surprised; so was I. It was quite the compliment,
and I was flattered, but then I got mad. If guys had been interested, then why hadn't any of them tried to date me, let alone talk to
me?? GAHHHHHHHH!!!! Oh, and today a kid from high school started talking to me on facebook chat. After just a couple minutes he went out of his way to tell me he had had a crush on me all through high school. Thanks dude, but why are you telling me this NOW? I must be cursed. All I know is that weird girls get boyfriends, and pretty girls get boyfriends, but
I can't get one of those if I tried. People tell me, "But Kristen, boys are just intimidated by you!" Bologna. I know a crap answer when I hear one.
Now I'm at BYU, surrounded by hot guys and I'm still as single as it gets. But I really should be blaming myself. I have a problem with flirting because I find it obnoxious and annoying, so I avoid it. So basically, guys don't know if I'm interested in them or not. Here's the hint guys: if I talk to you in person a little more than the other guys, or I add you on facebook, I'm flirting with you. That's about it.
That's going to change though. From now on I'm going to actually try and let guys know I'm interested, and maybe I'll see some results. My first victim is going to be the new hot guy that works in the dishroom. I only saw him last Thursday and it was his first day so chances are he quit, but I'm hoping for the best. I'm pretty sure I sat next to him last year in the Stats lab, so I can use this to my advantage. Now all I have to do is choose which awesome conversation starter I should use.
Option 1: "Hey, I remember you from last fall in the stats lab."
Option 2: "Hey, are you bad a statistics? Because I swear I recognize you from the stats lab."
Option 3: You're hot. Want to date me?"
Yeah, we'll see how this goes. Wish me luck.
For now, I'm just
Forever alone. Ok, I really need to stop with these meme references...